Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Usual.

Not much has been going on. We have had beautiful weather and Mommy has been very busy with various things, so she hasn't really gotten the video camera out in a while. My trick training has also fallen on the wayside, but today she picked up the clicker again. I was doing my usual barking, because I know how much humans love my bark. For some reason she wouldn't click.

So I tried other things. My favorite is to lay down. I don't just lay down, I THROW myself down! Mommy clicked the down a few times. Eventually I noticed she was clicking when I put my head on the floor. We didn't get any really great results, because Mommy wanted to keep the session short, but she said we will do it again tomorrow. I got to play with my wonderful tennis toy. The one I only get to play with after training sessions, check out earlier post.

Anyway that is all for now. It is storming and I had my tail smashed in the door, so I am gonna sleep on the couch and pout. Bye!


 Ellie's Owner said...

    A beagle barking? That sounds about right. :)

    Go on, get back into trick-training. You know you love it...

    May 23, 2008 12:09 AM

Blogger Penny & Poppy said...

    We would pout too, if our tails were smooshed in the door!

    Poppy & Penny

    May 23, 2008 7:08 AM

Blogger Rascally Jack a.k.a. Jackal said...

    Thanks for the comments guys. Yes it was quite painful, but Mommy didn't mean to. And yes barking is my favorite trick!

    May 24, 2008 4:56 PM

Blogger Kess & Her Mama said...

    Hi Jackal, Came over from Dogs with Blogs. Tricks for treats is my motto!

    June 1, 2008 9:39 PM

Friday, May 16, 2008

Good News!

I barely even noticed my discomfort today! I had lots of fun outside with Daddy and my sisters. So if your Mommy tricks you into this neuter thing, not to worry. You will be fine by the next day.

I supervised while Daddy picked up sticks from around the yard so that he could mow. I look so handsome in this picture, click for a closeup. I also spent lots of time playing with Stormy.

But when she had had enough, I left her alone so she could chew on a stick.

You don't mess with Stormy! Look at those teeth!

Also played with my Boer goat sisters, Julie and Sophie. Figured I would add a picture of them, since you have never met them officially. They are so fun to chase!

Look at silly Sophie trying to reach the leaves.

An interesting discovery was made today by yours truly! This weird looking bird is called a roadrunner and he lives in our neighborhood. He was playing on top of the shed. Isn't he cool??

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Neuter is BAD!

Okay pups! I just found out. Neuter is a VERY bad word! Mommy woke me up really early this morning, even though I was all stretched out and comfy on the bed. She gave me a bath. Then she put me in my crate in the car. Then she took me to the vet. I was excited, but not too anxious. Then she LEFT me!

I took a nap and woke up in a cold cage, feeling very sore down below. Mommy didn't pick me up until after work time. Then she took me home. I'm still sore. Please don't let your mommies take you in for a neuter. They are very bad.

Anyway Mommy told me I needed to get squirrels on my brain because squirrel season is about to open. Here is a picture of our objective.

Friday, May 9, 2008


It's been a little busy around here, so sorry I haven't written. There are a few things I would like to mention.

First and foremost I caught a baby bunny the other day. Mommy was sad that I killed it, but she couldn't be mad at me. I am a hunting dog after all! She doesn't know for sure if I killed it myself or if I stole it from Storm or Gray Kittie, but I'm not telling. My little secret.

Secondly Mommy and Daddy took me to the local park and we went for an hour and a half long walk. I saw two dachshunds, a beagle, bikers and a family with a baby carriage. Now THAT was a terrifying experience! Why would they push that thing around. It looked dangerous!

Mommy has been taking me on one and a half to two mile walks everyday. Sometimes she rides her bike, but we can't go far because even going slow with Storm trotting I am having to run the whole time. On these walks I have met several horses. They are scary but I am sooooo curious about them!

I am now reliably laying down for voice command and/or hand signal. I have also learned a new trick. It is called 'turn around' where I spin to my right. I am almost to the point where I can do it without the lure. Mommy has slowly phased it out, but not completely. She tried to teach me to give my paw today but I was having none of it. We both finally got frustrated and called it quits.

I have also learned that I love the water. After our walks Storm likes to get her feet wet to cool down some in the kiddie pool Mommy bought. I love to get ALL of me wet. It is so much fun!!

The only other bit of news is something is happening on the 15th called a 'neuter'. Not sure what that is about, but Mommy sure seems eager to get it out of the way. I'll let you know when it is over if you need to fear this word or not.

Well gotta go take a puppy nap. See you guys later.


 Crikit, Sparky & Ginger said...

    Jackal! SG! we sniffed over to give you some big welcome licks. we far behind welcoming new DWBr's Bet you really growing Jackal need more pics

    waggin TX tails barking loud lot of the time

    pee ess: Happy Mother's Day to the mommies

    May 11, 2008 1:07 PM

Blogger Charlie Daniels said...

    G'day Jackal

    I just wandered over to say hello. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble for catching that bunny.



    May 13, 2008 9:38 PM

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Big Sister

I want to grow up to be just like my sister. Check out this video!