Last night when Mommy took me out I refused to pee even though she kept picking me up and setting me down in my "pee" spot. I thought we were playing a game so I started trying to bolt past her as fast as I could and she would scoop me up out of a dead run and plop me back down. Eventually I got frustrated and walked to the side of the house and started digging as hard as I could to vent.
After a minute she even started picking me up from there and plopping me down. After a couple of more bolts I finally realized that the hand in my face was telling me to stay, so I sat down and looked at her until her patience wore out and she took me in. Unfortunately she put me in my crate and wouldn't let me play. Trust me I peed the next time she took me out.
This morning she did funny stuff with my breakfast again. She held the kibble in a closed fist again, but this time she didn't just click when I took my nose away. She only clicked when I moved my nose AND sat down. I quickly caught on to that. Although I haven't really acknowledged the verbal command yet.
After doing this a few times she got up and would run a couple of steps away and squat back down. Of course I ran after her as hard as I could. When I was about two and a half feet away she would say "come", click and I got a treat when I got to her. We did this a few times. Only one time did I not come immediately. I noticed that time she never did say the command "come". She only used it when I was already in a dead run headed toward her, and it never failed I got a click and treat. I like this training stuff!!
Anyway it was a boring day full of short play sessions and den time. It was thundering really loud outside. I only jumped a couple of times. Mommy ignored me when I acted in the least bit nervous. I quickly got over it. Tonight is Daddy's last night working for a few days so I will be able to play more and be noisier during the day.
Anyway, time for another nap. Bye!
This was the first blog I'd ever made. It's in Jackal's point of view and tells about our first year together. I will no longer be keeping this blog up to date. I saved this blog to my computer and deleted the pictures, but I'm leaving the text up.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
More Training.
clicker training,
Siberian Husky,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Clicker Training!
Well, Mommy officially started my clicker training today. She wouldn't let me have breakfast until after I went potty and she got dressed and woke up some. Then she took me outside and put my food bowl on the rock column in the front yard where I couldn't get to it. This confused me because normally she puts the bowl in front of me and I get to eat.
So once she gets settled, she takes a handful of my kibble and holds it in front of me in a closed fist. Of course I started biting, chewing and clawing at her hand hoping to get at the food. After a couple of frustrating moments I turned my head away from her hand and viola I heard a click and she opened her hand. It took me only a couple of tried before I figured out that I had to remove my nose from her hand to get the click and treat.
Mommy was happy because I calmed down and sat nicely during this whole process instead of my usual excitement and playfulness. I was happy I made my Mommy happy and I got lots of pets.
Storm got irritated with me today and scolded me with both front feet and a mouthful of teeth. I ran and hid. I stayed away from her for a while. Then she took one of my toys and put it between her front feet and then laid down and put her head over it. This frustrated me to no end because I was afraid to go to close to try to get the toy.
All in all it has been a nice day. I'll keep you updated!
So once she gets settled, she takes a handful of my kibble and holds it in front of me in a closed fist. Of course I started biting, chewing and clawing at her hand hoping to get at the food. After a couple of frustrating moments I turned my head away from her hand and viola I heard a click and she opened her hand. It took me only a couple of tried before I figured out that I had to remove my nose from her hand to get the click and treat.
Mommy was happy because I calmed down and sat nicely during this whole process instead of my usual excitement and playfulness. I was happy I made my Mommy happy and I got lots of pets.
Storm got irritated with me today and scolded me with both front feet and a mouthful of teeth. I ran and hid. I stayed away from her for a while. Then she took one of my toys and put it between her front feet and then laid down and put her head over it. This frustrated me to no end because I was afraid to go to close to try to get the toy.
All in all it has been a nice day. I'll keep you updated!
clicker training,
Siberian Husky,
Friday, March 28, 2008
Rainy Days.
It has been in the fifties and drizzling off and on all day so I mostly stayed inside and played with Storm. I don't like the cold. My coat is too thin. Mommy spent the morning with me and Storm, playing, until she had to go to work. Daddy slept all day because he has to work nights right now, so I spent around four hours in my den.
When Mommy got home she let me help feed Sophie and Julie and let me run around for a while, then I went inside and chased Storm ALL over the house. After playing so hard I had to pee, so I went to the front door. Unfortunately Mommy wasn't fast enough and I couldn't hold it so I peed in the floor. She was upset, but it wasn't directed at me. I also got my first dog biscuit today. It was yummy, until Storm stole my last half. Anyway I'm gonna go take another puppy nap. Bye!
When Mommy got home she let me help feed Sophie and Julie and let me run around for a while, then I went inside and chased Storm ALL over the house. After playing so hard I had to pee, so I went to the front door. Unfortunately Mommy wasn't fast enough and I couldn't hold it so I peed in the floor. She was upset, but it wasn't directed at me. I also got my first dog biscuit today. It was yummy, until Storm stole my last half. Anyway I'm gonna go take another puppy nap. Bye!
Siberian Husky,
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Play Day!

Your fearless Jackal Man is back! I've had a long, wonderful day of playing and exploring outside. It was a blast! I even cornered the goats and gave them my best "treeing" bark. I don't think they were scared, but Mommy and Daddy were impressed by my voice.

Does Storm look a little annoyed?

This is why! I was being a very pesky brother. But after harassing her for a while, she finally stopped growling and started PLAYING!

Of course when she got tired I had to play by myself.

Mommy spent some time today brushing my coat. I tried chewing the brush a little, but she didn't seem to mind. Besides those pins hurt so I eventually gave up. I woke up twice in the middle of the night for pee breaks and then got put outside at 7am this morning to play by myself. I feel so grown up. Nothing can stand against my powerful jaws!! All shall fall before me!! I leave destruction behind!! . . . . . okay, nap time. *Yawn*
Siberian Husky,
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Settling In.

I'm settling in nicely at my new home. I slept all night with only one potty break at 3:15. Mommy went to work as usual and Daddy played with me outside all day. As you can see above and in the following pictures Mommy let me lick out her yogurt cup. It was good! I was proud of the tooth punctures I made in the plastic.

Storm played with me for the first time today like she did with her Yorkshire Terrier brother Mac. She rolled me over across the ground and growled and barked. I had fun and kept coming back for more. I'm glad she is starting to like me okay.

After Mommy got home I spent the evening playing outside while they grilled chicken. Had lots of fun and got to take off my E-collar so I could run around.

Siberian Husky,
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

*Panting* Did I ever tell anyone that playing is hard work? And thirsty work.

I love my tennis ball!

Last night I slept in my den all night. Mommy took me out about three times and I was a lot quieter. Mommy and Daddy left a radio on for me. It was nice to listen to. This morning Mommy and Daddy found sores on my side and legs where I have chewed my tick bites raw. So they fashioned a home-made E-collar out of one of Daddy's shooting targets. I don't like it, but it doesn't really get in my way any.

Toward the end of the day, around the time when Mommy came home last time I went for my second car ride. I curled up in the floor of Daddy's truck and went to sleep. We went to Mommy's work and I met her two legged friends and co-workers. I was a little scared because of the new people and I shivered because it was cold in there. I had fun though.
When we got home they put me outside with Storm, Sophie and Julie. I cried because I wanted inside. My howling got the neighbor dogs stirred up. Then Storm started howling! It was a beautiful, deep howl. It didn't sound at all like her whiny bark. I hope someday I can learn to howl just as well.
I eventually climbed through the fence and tore my E-collar, so Mommy and Daddy brought me in and fixed my collar. Then they put me in my den. A nap sounds good.
puppy playing,
Siberian Husky,
Monday, March 24, 2008

Back to today. When mommy came home from this work place she took me outside again and let me chase Storm, the goats and the cat. I had lots of fun! Not much of the "training" they refer to often happened today. Mostly just exploring. I'll be back! I promise! Just need a quick puppy nap. Bye!

Siberian Husky,
Sunday, March 23, 2008

It has been an exciting two days! First thing yesterday morning I left my mother and sister, sneaking through the fence, and ran down to the chicken houses at the bottom of the long hill. I had lots of fun hunting and sniffing around. I was running with the big dogs! Unfortunately my two legged mother came and found me, then she spent an excruciating hour picking ticks off of me. Ouch!
After this traumatizing event she sprayed me in smelly stuff that she said would kill the fleas. Then she used clippers to shorten my nails. Some of them bled, but I refused to cry. Afterward I ran around with all of the Yorkshire Terrier puppies.
Toward noon some people showed up who were very interested in me. The young female was very nice and comforted me while my nails stopped bleeding. They stood around and talked to my two legged mother for a while. Then they carried me up the hill to the house. The young female sat me down and let me pee, then she coaxed me out from under a truck and carried me into an SUV.
Then we went on a loooooong bouncy ride. Eventually we stopped. Within minutes the youngest male came back to the vehicle with a bag that smelled really good. I heard the word hamburgers a couple of time, but never gained the opportunity to taste some. When we stopped a second time we got out of the car. I was allowed to pee again, then was taken inside and put in a crate, which I now consider my personal den. They took the yummy smelling bag into another room and I took a nap.

Later they took me outside. It was cold and I was scared because I had never been anywhere before. It was a long evening. I eventually decided not to be scared and went out into the field and chased Storm, my Siberian Husky sister, and Sophie and Julie, my Boer goat sisters. It was a lot of fun.
That night was miserable. I was put in the crate and everyone went to sleep. I whined off and on all night, but it was only because I itched so horribly from all of the tick bites. My new two legged mommy took me outside about four times in the middle of the night and I peed each time. It was fun getting praised for peeing. Silly humans.
Today I played outside for a long time, then took a long nap in my den. This evening I played with Storm's toys and bones and chews.

I felt the urge to pee so I went into the hall by the front door. My mommy and daddy kept calling me back. They keep saying Jackal a lot. I think that must be what they call me. On the third attempt my mommy finally followed me.
When she saw me circling she opened the front door and I ran outside. I peed and got praised. She starting calling me back into the house but I ignored her and went around the corner to finish up some other more important business. Mommy was ecstatic about this for some reason. They get excited about the silliest things.
I've spent the rest of the evening in mommy's lap, conjuring up this blog. I will let you guys know how things go later on. See ya!
first day,
Siberian Husky
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