It has been an exciting two days! First thing yesterday morning I left my mother and sister, sneaking through the fence, and ran down to the chicken houses at the bottom of the long hill. I had lots of fun hunting and sniffing around. I was running with the big dogs! Unfortunately my two legged mother came and found me, then she spent an excruciating hour picking ticks off of me. Ouch!
After this traumatizing event she sprayed me in smelly stuff that she said would kill the fleas. Then she used clippers to shorten my nails. Some of them bled, but I refused to cry. Afterward I ran around with all of the Yorkshire Terrier puppies.
Toward noon some people showed up who were very interested in me. The young female was very nice and comforted me while my nails stopped bleeding. They stood around and talked to my two legged mother for a while. Then they carried me up the hill to the house. The young female sat me down and let me pee, then she coaxed me out from under a truck and carried me into an SUV.
Then we went on a loooooong bouncy ride. Eventually we stopped. Within minutes the youngest male came back to the vehicle with a bag that smelled really good. I heard the word hamburgers a couple of time, but never gained the opportunity to taste some. When we stopped a second time we got out of the car. I was allowed to pee again, then was taken inside and put in a crate, which I now consider my personal den. They took the yummy smelling bag into another room and I took a nap.

Later they took me outside. It was cold and I was scared because I had never been anywhere before. It was a long evening. I eventually decided not to be scared and went out into the field and chased Storm, my Siberian Husky sister, and Sophie and Julie, my Boer goat sisters. It was a lot of fun.
That night was miserable. I was put in the crate and everyone went to sleep. I whined off and on all night, but it was only because I itched so horribly from all of the tick bites. My new two legged mommy took me outside about four times in the middle of the night and I peed each time. It was fun getting praised for peeing. Silly humans.
Today I played outside for a long time, then took a long nap in my den. This evening I played with Storm's toys and bones and chews.

I felt the urge to pee so I went into the hall by the front door. My mommy and daddy kept calling me back. They keep saying Jackal a lot. I think that must be what they call me. On the third attempt my mommy finally followed me.
When she saw me circling she opened the front door and I ran outside. I peed and got praised. She starting calling me back into the house but I ignored her and went around the corner to finish up some other more important business. Mommy was ecstatic about this for some reason. They get excited about the silliest things.
I've spent the rest of the evening in mommy's lap, conjuring up this blog. I will let you guys know how things go later on. See ya!
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