Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Sorry this took so long to get pictures edited and put together, but my big sister's birthday was June 21st. She turned SEVEN years old! She is getting soooooo old!

Anyway, because it was her birthday we did what she wanted to do! Such as . . .

. . . . RUN!

And. . . .
. . . and chase- er, I meant run with the goat sisters!

And we looked outside the fence, dreaming of all the places we could RUN!

I finally stole her party hat to chew it up and kill it (actually just needed a break in the shade from all the running).

Stormy chose to cool off by taking a swim in the goats water barrels.

Doesn't she look happy?


Sarah K. said...

Happy Birthday to your big sis! Funny seeing dogs run WITH the goats and not at them!

Achieve1dream said...

Yeah now that our goats sisters have grown up a little bit (they are six months old) and are the same height as my big sister and weigh almost twice as much she doesn't really chase them anymore. I on the other hand LOVE to chase them, but I had to be careful of my wording in case Mommy reads this and gets mad. :D Thanks for leaving a comment!