Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Had a Blast!

I had the best time ever over at my Mommy's parents' house. Unfortunately, being a forgetful human, Mommy forgot to bring the video camera. The first evening I spent harassing their Yorkshire Terrier. That night I slept on the futon with Mommy and Daddy.

The next day Daddy and Mommy's Daddy tore down a wall so that they could put in French doors. I got to go in and out of the house as I pleased. It was so much fun. I did great and never had a single accident. Then they took me out to the pond in the pasture. I swam in the water trying to eat the fish food they threw out, but unfortunately the catfish were biting my toes so I got out.

Then Daddy ran to the other side of the pond. I followed at full speed and decided to take a short cut. I bailed off into the deep end of the pond, thinking it was all one level like my wading pool. I went all of the way underwater and came up with water in my ears. I didn't go back in after that, but it was still fun.

That night as we were getting ready to leave Storm taught me how to kill a chicken. Mommy was extremely upset because Storm killed her favorite black hen. Her Daddy had been keeping this specific chicken until Mommy and Daddy could build a hen house. I had lots of fun killing the chicken. Don't know what Mommy was so upset about.

Then the next day we went to a nearby state park on top of a mountain. I met lots of people and looked off the edge of high cliffs. We saw eight deer. Some were walking alongside our car. Then we went to a friend's house and I played for a long time. Anyway, I am exhausted just thinking about it. Time for a long puppy nap.


Sarah K. said...

Wow - we can't belive you killed a chicken! We don't like raw chicken - we like ours cooked nice and moist!

Achieve1dream said...

Hi, thanks for leaving a comment. Yeah I didn't eat any of it. That would be gross. But it sure was fun chasing it and watching Storm kill it. Mommy was upset, but she also understands the nature of Siberian Huskies so she didn't take it personally. Its just too bad the chicken got out of the pen in the first place. Thanks again!