Friday, May 16, 2008

Good News!

I barely even noticed my discomfort today! I had lots of fun outside with Daddy and my sisters. So if your Mommy tricks you into this neuter thing, not to worry. You will be fine by the next day.

I supervised while Daddy picked up sticks from around the yard so that he could mow. I look so handsome in this picture, click for a closeup. I also spent lots of time playing with Stormy.

But when she had had enough, I left her alone so she could chew on a stick.

You don't mess with Stormy! Look at those teeth!

Also played with my Boer goat sisters, Julie and Sophie. Figured I would add a picture of them, since you have never met them officially. They are so fun to chase!

Look at silly Sophie trying to reach the leaves.

An interesting discovery was made today by yours truly! This weird looking bird is called a roadrunner and he lives in our neighborhood. He was playing on top of the shed. Isn't he cool??

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