Friday, May 9, 2008


It's been a little busy around here, so sorry I haven't written. There are a few things I would like to mention.

First and foremost I caught a baby bunny the other day. Mommy was sad that I killed it, but she couldn't be mad at me. I am a hunting dog after all! She doesn't know for sure if I killed it myself or if I stole it from Storm or Gray Kittie, but I'm not telling. My little secret.

Secondly Mommy and Daddy took me to the local park and we went for an hour and a half long walk. I saw two dachshunds, a beagle, bikers and a family with a baby carriage. Now THAT was a terrifying experience! Why would they push that thing around. It looked dangerous!

Mommy has been taking me on one and a half to two mile walks everyday. Sometimes she rides her bike, but we can't go far because even going slow with Storm trotting I am having to run the whole time. On these walks I have met several horses. They are scary but I am sooooo curious about them!

I am now reliably laying down for voice command and/or hand signal. I have also learned a new trick. It is called 'turn around' where I spin to my right. I am almost to the point where I can do it without the lure. Mommy has slowly phased it out, but not completely. She tried to teach me to give my paw today but I was having none of it. We both finally got frustrated and called it quits.

I have also learned that I love the water. After our walks Storm likes to get her feet wet to cool down some in the kiddie pool Mommy bought. I love to get ALL of me wet. It is so much fun!!

The only other bit of news is something is happening on the 15th called a 'neuter'. Not sure what that is about, but Mommy sure seems eager to get it out of the way. I'll let you know when it is over if you need to fear this word or not.

Well gotta go take a puppy nap. See you guys later.


 Crikit, Sparky & Ginger said...

    Jackal! SG! we sniffed over to give you some big welcome licks. we far behind welcoming new DWBr's Bet you really growing Jackal need more pics

    waggin TX tails barking loud lot of the time

    pee ess: Happy Mother's Day to the mommies

    May 11, 2008 1:07 PM

Blogger Charlie Daniels said...

    G'day Jackal

    I just wandered over to say hello. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble for catching that bunny.



    May 13, 2008 9:38 PM


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Jackal! SG! we sniffed over to give you some big welcome licks. we far behind welcoming new DWBr's Bet you really growing Jackal need more pics

waggin TX tails barking loud lot of the time

pee ess: Happy Mother's Day to the mommies

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Jackal

I just wandered over to say hello. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble for catching that bunny.

