This was the first blog I'd ever made. It's in Jackal's point of view and tells about our first year together. I will no longer be keeping this blog up to date. I saved this blog to my computer and deleted the pictures, but I'm leaving the text up.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New Trick Video
Check out the new trick videos I posted on Jackal's Training Journal. The link is in the right hand about me column. Thanks for your interest.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Say no to bugs!
This is an adorable video of Jackal. Ignore the mess, thats the problem with living in a remodel house.
New Blog For Training.
Okay, I have made a new blog for recording progress with Jackal's training, as writing in the first person point of view doesn't work so well now that he is growing out of puppyhood, as well as its a bit limiting on the information I can give. To view his new blog click here. Thanks for your interest.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mommy finally got the cord to the video camera fixed! She's been working on getting the video uploaded to the computer, editing and pulling off snapshots all day. She would have gotten more done if she hadn't gotten sidetracked making movies on the Microsoft Movie Maker program she has. We should start seeing pictures soon!
I'll apologize in advance for the quality, as they're coming off of moving video, it kind of sucks. Mommy is hoping to save up and get a digital camera, so she can get high quality still shots instead of always depending on the video camera.
Mommy took me to work with her today. I didn't like it much. Too boring, even though a coworker brought her dog too. The other dog wouldn't play with me much. I showed off all my tricks (except roll over, floor is too slick). I played fetch and tug. And I got to chew on a rawhide that I don't usually get to have. After that I got bored and whined the whole time.
And I have shake down perfectly already. Mommy says she just needs to teach me the voice command. I don't pay attention to her voice like I should. I prefer hand signals.
Guess that is all. Will try to get some of those pictures up soon. They go all the way back to September! Bye pups!
I'll apologize in advance for the quality, as they're coming off of moving video, it kind of sucks. Mommy is hoping to save up and get a digital camera, so she can get high quality still shots instead of always depending on the video camera.
Mommy took me to work with her today. I didn't like it much. Too boring, even though a coworker brought her dog too. The other dog wouldn't play with me much. I showed off all my tricks (except roll over, floor is too slick). I played fetch and tug. And I got to chew on a rawhide that I don't usually get to have. After that I got bored and whined the whole time.
And I have shake down perfectly already. Mommy says she just needs to teach me the voice command. I don't pay attention to her voice like I should. I prefer hand signals.
Guess that is all. Will try to get some of those pictures up soon. They go all the way back to September! Bye pups!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Training has begun.
Mommy got the book she's been waiting on so excitedly. She stayed up until the wee hours of the morning reading it. I sure hope this excitement isn't bad news for me. She's gone back to the basics and is working on refining the tricks I already know, besides she says I need to learn some of the essential ones that we skipped like come and stay.
I learned a new trick tonight though!! I learned how to shake hands in like three minutes. It took me a little while to figure it out because I thought the fist mommy held near the ground meant I was to roll over. When I finally figured out she wanted me sitting and not laying down I quickly caught on. Mommy is happy with me because I raise my paw high when I offer it. And very enthusiastically I might add.
Anyway Mommy is going to start working with me tomorrow with the clicker again (too cold and dark to put Storm outside for the privacy we need for training tonight). She's hoping that after about a week of refining a few things and working on manners that we can get to business. She said I need to learn not to nip and I need to learn to hold my positions longer before accepting a treat. She did want me to mention though that my roll over is going very well. I don't have to be lured anymore.
So wish me luck pups! I'm aiming to please!
I learned a new trick tonight though!! I learned how to shake hands in like three minutes. It took me a little while to figure it out because I thought the fist mommy held near the ground meant I was to roll over. When I finally figured out she wanted me sitting and not laying down I quickly caught on. Mommy is happy with me because I raise my paw high when I offer it. And very enthusiastically I might add.
Anyway Mommy is going to start working with me tomorrow with the clicker again (too cold and dark to put Storm outside for the privacy we need for training tonight). She's hoping that after about a week of refining a few things and working on manners that we can get to business. She said I need to learn not to nip and I need to learn to hold my positions longer before accepting a treat. She did want me to mention though that my roll over is going very well. I don't have to be lured anymore.
So wish me luck pups! I'm aiming to please!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Training should pick up again soon.
Mommy has been busy and just having a little trouble adjusting to all the change lately, so my training has been kind of ignored. I know how to sit, down, speak, turn around, roll over and jump. It is a short list compared to the one mom wanted to have done by now, but she isn't getting discouraged by the slow ups. Mommy just purchased a book 101 Dog Tricks by Kyra Sundance on the recommendation of Ellie! Check our links to see Ellie's Diary. She is hoping this book will give her ideas and help her get inspired again.
Mommy finally bought a cord for the video camera, but its going to take a while to get it all uploaded, especially with her busy schedule.
Also I have been on two hunting trips so far, unfortunately both were windy days. The first day we didn't see a single squirrel. The second we saw a few, but they were timbering out and we never got a shot at them. Mommy is annoyed with my whining, but I'm only telling her I'm a little uncomfortable in an unfamiliar place and with them acting all weird and walking all slow.
I guess that will be it for now. Will try to write more when Mommy has the time to help me. She's been worried about Storm, because of a mysterious, so far undiagnosed skin condition. Although she is happy to report Storm's blood work looked great!
Bye for now!
Mommy finally bought a cord for the video camera, but its going to take a while to get it all uploaded, especially with her busy schedule.
Also I have been on two hunting trips so far, unfortunately both were windy days. The first day we didn't see a single squirrel. The second we saw a few, but they were timbering out and we never got a shot at them. Mommy is annoyed with my whining, but I'm only telling her I'm a little uncomfortable in an unfamiliar place and with them acting all weird and walking all slow.
I guess that will be it for now. Will try to write more when Mommy has the time to help me. She's been worried about Storm, because of a mysterious, so far undiagnosed skin condition. Although she is happy to report Storm's blood work looked great!
Bye for now!
dog training,
Siberian Husky,
squirrel hunting,
trick training
Monday, September 29, 2008
Vote in the poll!
Hey everypup. Please look at the bottom of the page and vote in our poll!
P.S. I will give you a biscuit if you vote for me. ;)
P.S. I will give you a biscuit if you vote for me. ;)
I have tons of news. Still no pictures to post because of the cord I chewed, but Mommy has been getting footage so there will be bunches of pictures when she gets a cord. Anyway Mommy weighed and measured me. Last time we checked I was fifteen inches and almost thirty pounds. I am now NINETEEN inches tall at the shoulders and weigh around thirty five pounds! Mommy was surprised and Daddy is happy I'm still growing.
Other news, Mommy finally quit her job at that fast food place with all the yummy smells and got a job at a Veterinarian Clinic! She gets lots of what she calls "perks" like she can take us to work with her and give us baths. I don't see what is so great about that. Mommy took me to work and I whined for two hours. Eventually I calmed down and explored and played with toys and met new people. It was a lot of fun.
Also Mommy twisted her ankle and sprained her wrist last week so we haven't been getting any walks. But recently she started taking us for our walks and is able to type again. Storm and I are excited to be getting exercise!
I ate my wading pool so I have been bowing and laying down in the water standing in the culverts instead. Mommy didn't get mad even though I came out covered in a rusty film. Of course later she chased me around with the water hose, which was fun but odd.
Well, I guess that's all. Will try to update again soon. Night pups!
Other news, Mommy finally quit her job at that fast food place with all the yummy smells and got a job at a Veterinarian Clinic! She gets lots of what she calls "perks" like she can take us to work with her and give us baths. I don't see what is so great about that. Mommy took me to work and I whined for two hours. Eventually I calmed down and explored and played with toys and met new people. It was a lot of fun.
Also Mommy twisted her ankle and sprained her wrist last week so we haven't been getting any walks. But recently she started taking us for our walks and is able to type again. Storm and I are excited to be getting exercise!
I ate my wading pool so I have been bowing and laying down in the water standing in the culverts instead. Mommy didn't get mad even though I came out covered in a rusty film. Of course later she chased me around with the water hose, which was fun but odd.
Well, I guess that's all. Will try to update again soon. Night pups!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Have Patience.
Okay my mom has been getting lots of video footage so as soon as she buys a new cord to connect the video camera to the computer you will get lots of pictures. So have patience I have not completely disappeared. I'll chew on her until she caves and goes to the store to get the cord. So I will see you pups soon.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Quick Update.
I was a very bad boy and decided to chew through the cord that Mommy uses to put my pictures on the computer, so there will not be pictures of me for a while. I will try to sneak on the computer and write more often though. Hope everypup is having a good summer! See you all again soon.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hey all you pups. Sorry I haven't been on in ages. Mommy and Daddy had to go to Louisiana because Daddy's grandmother was sick. I got to stay with my grandparents. Mac (our Yorkie brother) and I got along finally . . . or well for the most part. I was a good boy and got along famously with my grandmother. I love a warm lap!
As far as my "training" I have learned the concept of roll over, although I have trouble positioning myself for it and can't always follow through. Mommy keeps saying she is going to get the clicker out and start working on new tricks. Daddy had an injury and was on temporary disability so things have just been a little overwhelming lately. Anyway, I'm going to go pester Stormy. Will talk to you all later.
As far as my "training" I have learned the concept of roll over, although I have trouble positioning myself for it and can't always follow through. Mommy keeps saying she is going to get the clicker out and start working on new tricks. Daddy had an injury and was on temporary disability so things have just been a little overwhelming lately. Anyway, I'm going to go pester Stormy. Will talk to you all later.
roll over,
Siberian Husky,
Yorkshire Terrier
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hey All!
Not much has been going on. Been quiet. I've been surfing other blogs and found a website where you can enter contests to win prizes. Stormy decided to enter the Sleeping Beauty contest. She submitted a picture of herself a few years ago when she fell asleep with her head in the crook of an office chair trying to get as close to Mommy as she could. It really is cute. If you want please go vote for her. It would be cool if I could tell my friends my sister is famous. Thanks for listening!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Birthday Girl!

Sorry this took so long to get pictures edited and put together, but my big sister's birthday was June 21st. She turned SEVEN years old! She is getting soooooo old!

And. . . .

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mommy's Movie Making.
Okay Mommy has been messing around with a program called Microsoft Movie Maker and she wanted me to post the video she made on my website. It is called Month of March 2008 and it is about my very first month living here. I hope you enjoy it.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Had a Blast!
I had the best time ever over at my Mommy's parents' house. Unfortunately, being a forgetful human, Mommy forgot to bring the video camera. The first evening I spent harassing their Yorkshire Terrier. That night I slept on the futon with Mommy and Daddy.
The next day Daddy and Mommy's Daddy tore down a wall so that they could put in French doors. I got to go in and out of the house as I pleased. It was so much fun. I did great and never had a single accident. Then they took me out to the pond in the pasture. I swam in the water trying to eat the fish food they threw out, but unfortunately the catfish were biting my toes so I got out.
Then Daddy ran to the other side of the pond. I followed at full speed and decided to take a short cut. I bailed off into the deep end of the pond, thinking it was all one level like my wading pool. I went all of the way underwater and came up with water in my ears. I didn't go back in after that, but it was still fun.
That night as we were getting ready to leave Storm taught me how to kill a chicken. Mommy was extremely upset because Storm killed her favorite black hen. Her Daddy had been keeping this specific chicken until Mommy and Daddy could build a hen house. I had lots of fun killing the chicken. Don't know what Mommy was so upset about.
Then the next day we went to a nearby state park on top of a mountain. I met lots of people and looked off the edge of high cliffs. We saw eight deer. Some were walking alongside our car. Then we went to a friend's house and I played for a long time. Anyway, I am exhausted just thinking about it. Time for a long puppy nap.
The next day Daddy and Mommy's Daddy tore down a wall so that they could put in French doors. I got to go in and out of the house as I pleased. It was so much fun. I did great and never had a single accident. Then they took me out to the pond in the pasture. I swam in the water trying to eat the fish food they threw out, but unfortunately the catfish were biting my toes so I got out.
Then Daddy ran to the other side of the pond. I followed at full speed and decided to take a short cut. I bailed off into the deep end of the pond, thinking it was all one level like my wading pool. I went all of the way underwater and came up with water in my ears. I didn't go back in after that, but it was still fun.
That night as we were getting ready to leave Storm taught me how to kill a chicken. Mommy was extremely upset because Storm killed her favorite black hen. Her Daddy had been keeping this specific chicken until Mommy and Daddy could build a hen house. I had lots of fun killing the chicken. Don't know what Mommy was so upset about.
Then the next day we went to a nearby state park on top of a mountain. I met lots of people and looked off the edge of high cliffs. We saw eight deer. Some were walking alongside our car. Then we went to a friend's house and I played for a long time. Anyway, I am exhausted just thinking about it. Time for a long puppy nap.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dog Day Out!

Hey pups! I have had the best day ever!! My Mommy and Daddy took me for a long walk. I had lots of fun. First Storm and I played . . .

And ran!

And ran some more!

And now I am exhausted, soaked and very, very happy. That's all I have to report for today.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Usual.
Not much has been going on. We have had beautiful weather and Mommy has been very busy with various things, so she hasn't really gotten the video camera out in a while. My trick training has also fallen on the wayside, but today she picked up the clicker again. I was doing my usual barking, because I know how much humans love my bark. For some reason she wouldn't click.
So I tried other things. My favorite is to lay down. I don't just lay down, I THROW myself down! Mommy clicked the down a few times. Eventually I noticed she was clicking when I put my head on the floor. We didn't get any really great results, because Mommy wanted to keep the session short, but she said we will do it again tomorrow. I got to play with my wonderful tennis toy. The one I only get to play with after training sessions, check out earlier post.
Anyway that is all for now. It is storming and I had my tail smashed in the door, so I am gonna sleep on the couch and pout. Bye!
Ellie's Owner said...
A beagle barking? That sounds about right. :)
Go on, get back into trick-training. You know you love it...
May 23, 2008 12:09 AM
Blogger Penny & Poppy said...
We would pout too, if our tails were smooshed in the door!
Poppy & Penny
May 23, 2008 7:08 AM
Blogger Rascally Jack a.k.a. Jackal said...
Thanks for the comments guys. Yes it was quite painful, but Mommy didn't mean to. And yes barking is my favorite trick!
May 24, 2008 4:56 PM
Blogger Kess & Her Mama said...
Hi Jackal, Came over from Dogs with Blogs. Tricks for treats is my motto!
June 1, 2008 9:39 PM
So I tried other things. My favorite is to lay down. I don't just lay down, I THROW myself down! Mommy clicked the down a few times. Eventually I noticed she was clicking when I put my head on the floor. We didn't get any really great results, because Mommy wanted to keep the session short, but she said we will do it again tomorrow. I got to play with my wonderful tennis toy. The one I only get to play with after training sessions, check out earlier post.
Anyway that is all for now. It is storming and I had my tail smashed in the door, so I am gonna sleep on the couch and pout. Bye!
Ellie's Owner said...
A beagle barking? That sounds about right. :)
Go on, get back into trick-training. You know you love it...
May 23, 2008 12:09 AM
Blogger Penny & Poppy said...
We would pout too, if our tails were smooshed in the door!
Poppy & Penny
May 23, 2008 7:08 AM
Blogger Rascally Jack a.k.a. Jackal said...
Thanks for the comments guys. Yes it was quite painful, but Mommy didn't mean to. And yes barking is my favorite trick!
May 24, 2008 4:56 PM
Blogger Kess & Her Mama said...
Hi Jackal, Came over from Dogs with Blogs. Tricks for treats is my motto!
June 1, 2008 9:39 PM
dog toys,
dog training,
Friday, May 16, 2008
Good News!

An interesting discovery was made today by yours truly! This weird looking bird is called a roadrunner and he lives in our neighborhood. He was playing on top of the shed. Isn't he cool??

Boer goats,
dogs play,
Siberian Husky,
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Neuter is BAD!
Okay pups! I just found out. Neuter is a VERY bad word! Mommy woke me up really early this morning, even though I was all stretched out and comfy on the bed. She gave me a bath. Then she put me in my crate in the car. Then she took me to the vet. I was excited, but not too anxious. Then she LEFT me!
I took a nap and woke up in a cold cage, feeling very sore down below. Mommy didn't pick me up until after work time. Then she took me home. I'm still sore. Please don't let your mommies take you in for a neuter. They are very bad.
Anyway Mommy told me I needed to get squirrels on my brain because squirrel season is about to open. Here is a picture of our objective.
I took a nap and woke up in a cold cage, feeling very sore down below. Mommy didn't pick me up until after work time. Then she took me home. I'm still sore. Please don't let your mommies take you in for a neuter. They are very bad.
Anyway Mommy told me I needed to get squirrels on my brain because squirrel season is about to open. Here is a picture of our objective.

Friday, May 9, 2008
It's been a little busy around here, so sorry I haven't written. There are a few things I would like to mention.
First and foremost I caught a baby bunny the other day. Mommy was sad that I killed it, but she couldn't be mad at me. I am a hunting dog after all! She doesn't know for sure if I killed it myself or if I stole it from Storm or Gray Kittie, but I'm not telling. My little secret.
Secondly Mommy and Daddy took me to the local park and we went for an hour and a half long walk. I saw two dachshunds, a beagle, bikers and a family with a baby carriage. Now THAT was a terrifying experience! Why would they push that thing around. It looked dangerous!
Mommy has been taking me on one and a half to two mile walks everyday. Sometimes she rides her bike, but we can't go far because even going slow with Storm trotting I am having to run the whole time. On these walks I have met several horses. They are scary but I am sooooo curious about them!
I am now reliably laying down for voice command and/or hand signal. I have also learned a new trick. It is called 'turn around' where I spin to my right. I am almost to the point where I can do it without the lure. Mommy has slowly phased it out, but not completely. She tried to teach me to give my paw today but I was having none of it. We both finally got frustrated and called it quits.
I have also learned that I love the water. After our walks Storm likes to get her feet wet to cool down some in the kiddie pool Mommy bought. I love to get ALL of me wet. It is so much fun!!
The only other bit of news is something is happening on the 15th called a 'neuter'. Not sure what that is about, but Mommy sure seems eager to get it out of the way. I'll let you know when it is over if you need to fear this word or not.
Well gotta go take a puppy nap. See you guys later.
Crikit, Sparky & Ginger said...
Jackal! SG! we sniffed over to give you some big welcome licks. we far behind welcoming new DWBr's Bet you really growing Jackal need more pics
waggin TX tails barking loud lot of the time
pee ess: Happy Mother's Day to the mommies
May 11, 2008 1:07 PM
Blogger Charlie Daniels said...
G'day Jackal
I just wandered over to say hello. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble for catching that bunny.
May 13, 2008 9:38 PM
First and foremost I caught a baby bunny the other day. Mommy was sad that I killed it, but she couldn't be mad at me. I am a hunting dog after all! She doesn't know for sure if I killed it myself or if I stole it from Storm or Gray Kittie, but I'm not telling. My little secret.
Secondly Mommy and Daddy took me to the local park and we went for an hour and a half long walk. I saw two dachshunds, a beagle, bikers and a family with a baby carriage. Now THAT was a terrifying experience! Why would they push that thing around. It looked dangerous!
Mommy has been taking me on one and a half to two mile walks everyday. Sometimes she rides her bike, but we can't go far because even going slow with Storm trotting I am having to run the whole time. On these walks I have met several horses. They are scary but I am sooooo curious about them!
I am now reliably laying down for voice command and/or hand signal. I have also learned a new trick. It is called 'turn around' where I spin to my right. I am almost to the point where I can do it without the lure. Mommy has slowly phased it out, but not completely. She tried to teach me to give my paw today but I was having none of it. We both finally got frustrated and called it quits.
I have also learned that I love the water. After our walks Storm likes to get her feet wet to cool down some in the kiddie pool Mommy bought. I love to get ALL of me wet. It is so much fun!!
The only other bit of news is something is happening on the 15th called a 'neuter'. Not sure what that is about, but Mommy sure seems eager to get it out of the way. I'll let you know when it is over if you need to fear this word or not.
Well gotta go take a puppy nap. See you guys later.
Crikit, Sparky & Ginger said...
Jackal! SG! we sniffed over to give you some big welcome licks. we far behind welcoming new DWBr's Bet you really growing Jackal need more pics
waggin TX tails barking loud lot of the time
pee ess: Happy Mother's Day to the mommies
May 11, 2008 1:07 PM
Blogger Charlie Daniels said...
G'day Jackal
I just wandered over to say hello. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble for catching that bunny.
May 13, 2008 9:38 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Lazy Days
Mommy took me to the vet again and I got the rest of my shots. They said I weigh around fourteen pounds. They also mentioned something called "neuter" that will happen in two weeks. I wonder what that is. Anyway check out these new pictures of what I've been up to lately.

Do I have to go in to get the ball?

And last but not least, a video of me pestering my big sister Storm.
powder-puff said...
Hey Jackal!!
Nice to meet ya!
Saw you over at the DWB page and i just had to drop by. I love all your pictures you are too cute!!
lots of love
powder-puff said...
Hey Jackal!!
Nice to meet ya!
Saw you over at the DWB page and i just had to drop by. I love all your pictures you are too cute!!
lots of love
April 30, 2008 11:01 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I know how to lay down!

I have been doing pretty good. Have had two accidents today, but both times were when Mommy and Daddy were distracted getting ready for work (Daddy is working nights again). They didn't get upset.
Below is a video of me doing my tricks. We were outside, but Mommy decided to ask me to lie down hoping to catch it on tape. Of course I didn't, but no harm done. She said something about she shouldn't have said the word "down" because I don't know it yet and she doesn't want me to learn to ignore it, but again no great harm. I did sit, jump and speak consistently. She was so proud of me. Hope you enjoy it.
Oh and one other thing. Mommy went to the store and came back with bells! They are a lot of fun. Anyway she put them on a long piece of yarn and tied them to the front door. She rings them every time we go outside. I have no clue as to why, but they are cool.
Guess that is all for today. Catch you later!

dog toy,
dog training,
dog tricks,
puppy tricks,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Full of Fun!

clicker training,
dog walk,
going for a walk,
Siberian Husky,
Talk Back!
I LOVE to talk back to my Mommy. Check out this video.
clicker training,
dog video,
dog walk,
going for a walk,
Siberian Husky,
A Lot of Growing Going On.

clicker training,
dog walk,
going for a walk,
Siberian Husky,
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