Saturday, March 29, 2008

Clicker Training!

Well, Mommy officially started my clicker training today. She wouldn't let me have breakfast until after I went potty and she got dressed and woke up some. Then she took me outside and put my food bowl on the rock column in the front yard where I couldn't get to it. This confused me because normally she puts the bowl in front of me and I get to eat.

So once she gets settled, she takes a handful of my kibble and holds it in front of me in a closed fist. Of course I started biting, chewing and clawing at her hand hoping to get at the food. After a couple of frustrating moments I turned my head away from her hand and viola I heard a click and she opened her hand. It took me only a couple of tried before I figured out that I had to remove my nose from her hand to get the click and treat.

Mommy was happy because I calmed down and sat nicely during this whole process instead of my usual excitement and playfulness. I was happy I made my Mommy happy and I got lots of pets.

Storm got irritated with me today and scolded me with both front feet and a mouthful of teeth. I ran and hid. I stayed away from her for a while. Then she took one of my toys and put it between her front feet and then laid down and put her head over it. This frustrated me to no end because I was afraid to go to close to try to get the toy.

All in all it has been a nice day. I'll keep you updated!

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