Friday, April 4, 2008

Housebreaking is not going so well . . .

Mommy is getting sad and frustrated, because I keep peeing in my crate. She thinks it is due to having to leave me in the crate too long one day. Ever since then I have been peeing in it whenever I feel like. So she has put the divider back in so I don't have much room to move around, hoping that will stop me from peeing.

During the day when both Mommy and Daddy are at work she puts me in the bathtub, because there is no way to avoid accidents and this makes it easy to clean up. The weather has been way too nasty to keep me outside in the day time like she wants.

Yesterday I got my first bath! I did fairly well. I was scared, but didn't whine. It was over pretty quickly and Mommy played with me with the towel while she dried me off. My coat is so soft and shiny now. I guess that is all for now. I am keeping Mommy very busy, like yesterday I got to go for a real walk with Storm on a leash. It was fun. Anyway, bye for now!

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